Monday, August 29, 2016

How much will it cost? - Don't know yet.

But, I have decided to keep track. At least as of now. I made a spreadsheet. I put into it ALL of the things I have purchased for this project so far.

A number of those things are test equipment and laboratory supplies, which won't actually be "IN" the project, but it seems reasonable to me to track ALL of the expenses and maybe exclude some things later.

Anyway, there will be significantly more to come, but I have purchased enough (it has not all yet crossed over from China) so that I can start testing timing and logic levels to make sure the parts are compatible. Some parts of the design can proceed without this info, but some depend on how the parts interact.

Ok, ok, ok, you are reading this post because you want to know where my insanity has taken me. ie, how much have I spent so far? Well I'll go one better. I am putting the $$ Purchase Log on-line and you can check here to see where I am at any point.

Also, of historical note, you'll get an idea of what it took in parts to build a mainframe computer around 1980.

So far, my wife has not subscribed to the blog. You may here some noise when that happens.

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